All-on-Four Implant

What is All-on-Four?

“All-on-Four” is a term in the field of dentistry that refers to a treatment procedure involving implant-supported prosthetics. This treatment aims to provide patients who are edentulous (toothless) or have experienced tooth loss with a fixed prosthesis supported by only four implants. These four implants are placed onto the jawbone, and a prosthetic bridge is attached to them. This allows the patient to have an aesthetic and functional restoration in areas with missing teeth.

The All-on-Four treatment is particularly suitable for patients who do not have a sufficient amount of bone in the jaw or have experienced bone loss. The use of fewer implants compared to traditional implant methods can expedite the treatment process and reduce surgical interventions.

This treatment option is commonly employed in patients with tooth loss to address the issue of edentulism and restore the patient’s oral function, aesthetics, and quality of life. Before initiating the treatment, a dentist evaluates the patient’s condition and recommends appropriate treatment options. However, each patient’s situation is unique, and the treatment plan should be tailored to individual needs.

Is All-on-Four Treatment a Painful Process?

“All-on-Four” treatment is a surgical procedure usually performed under local anesthesia. Therefore, pain sensation during the operation will be minimal. However, some discomfort or pain may be experienced after the operation.

Since the placement of the implants in the jawbone is a surgical intervention, mild to moderate pain, swelling and tenderness may occur after the operation. This usually lasts for a few days. Post-operative pain management can be achieved with medication such as painkillers prescribed or recommended to the patient.

Patients usually recover within a few days, but full recovery involves the implants completing their integration with the jawbone and can take several months.

The experience of pain can vary from person to person and can vary depending on the patient’s general state of health, pain threshold and reactions to the surgical procedure. It is important to communicate your expectations and questions about pain management to your healthcare provider before and after treatment. In addition, following the post-operative instructions carefully and taking the prescribed medications regularly can have a positive impact on the recovery process.

How Long Does All-on-Four Treatment Take?

“All-on-Four” treatment is a treatment option that is usually completed on the same day, which means that the patient can have temporary dentures after the operation. However, the full process can take several days and the patient’s recovery can take several months.

The general process of “All-on-Four” treatment is as follows:

  1. Operation Day (Same Day): Dental implants are placed and the patient is fitted with temporary dentures on the same day. This allows the patient to immediately return to dental function on the day of treatment.
  2. Recovery Period (Several Months): The implants begin to integrate with the jawbone. This process can take several months and the implants need to form a strong bond with the jawbone.
  3. Placement of Permanent Dentures (After A Few Months): Once it is confirmed that the implants have successfully integrated with the jawbone, custom-designed permanent dentures are made and fitted to suit the patient’s specific needs.

So, you can have temporary dentures on the same day, but the full healing process and permanent denture fitting can take several months.

Please note that the duration of treatment may vary depending on the patient’s condition, jaw structure and general health. Contact Deniz Ästhetik Turkey for more information about the details and process of the treatment!