Dental Aesthetics

Aesthetic dentistry is a treatment method applied for many reasons such as orthodontic tooth curvature in the mouth structure, jaw mismatch, discoloration, disproportionate tooth size, and aesthetic concerns of people.

The desire of many people to have a perfect smile stems from aesthetic concerns. Many patients prefer aesthetic dentistry methods due to many reasons such as height difference in teeth (long or short), crowding in teeth, tooth color difference, disproportion of tooth alignment with mouth shape, and lack of teeth.

What is the Treatment Process and Application of Aesthetic Dentistry?

Before starting the aesthetic dental treatment, the dentist evaluates the patient’s mouth and performs the oral and dental evaluation. A panoramic x-ray of the patient’s mouth is taken and a decision is made about what kind of treatment should be applied.

By applying the model, the treatment is determined with the help of the person’s face, smile, profile and intraoral images.

Gums, maxilla-jaw positions, tooth alignment ratios, necessary fillings, problem areas if there are missing teeth are determined and the dentist informs the patient on a model about all treatment applications that he deems necessary.

The results obtained by showing the before and after images of different patients who had similar problems before aesthetic treatment and were treated afterwards are presented.

The patient has the opportunity to see the smile designed with models prepared in the laboratory environment. They are informed about how they will smile after the treatment.

What are the Treatments in Aesthetic Dentistry?

Within the scope of aesthetic dentistry treatment, orthodontics, teeth whitening, full porcelain teeth, zirconium teeth, laminate veneers, porcelain veneers, aesthetic fillings, inlay-onlay tooth restoration and implant dental treatments are applied.

In treatment planning, the dentist will help you to have an aesthetic smile design and healthy teeth by performing the necesary procedures.