
What is obesity?

Obesity is a condition caused by excessive accumulation of fat in the body; it is a major health concern and a rapidly increasing problem worldwide.

When a person’s body mass index (BMI) is higher than normal, they are classified as obese. BMI is a measurement calculated by taking into account a person’s weight and height.

Obesity can occur for a variety of reasons, usually poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, genetic factors and metabolism problems. In addition, psychological factors, hormonal changes and environmental factors can also contribute to the development of obesity.

What are the treatment methods for obesity?

There are various methods for the treatment of obesity. These methods can be examined in two main categories as non-surgical and surgical:

Non-Surgical Methods:

Diet and Exercise: A basic step in the treatment of obesity is to exercise regularly along with a healthy diet.

Medication: Some medications can be used to control appetite or reduce fat absorption.

Endoscopic Botox and Balloon Applications: Endoscopic methods may include Botox injections or balloon implantation into the stomach. These methods aim to create a feeling of fullness by reducing the volume of the stomach and make the person consume less food.

Surgical Methods (Bariatric Surgery):

Gastric Bypass Surgery: In gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is reduced in size and the intestines are reorganized, resulting in less food intake and nutrient absorption.

Sleeve Gastrectomy: In this procedure, the stomach is greatly reduced in size and shaped like a tube. This allows small amounts of food to be taken in.

Surgical methods are usually considered for more severe cases of obesity and are usually preferred when other methods have failed or are not suitable.

Obesity treatment requires an individualized approach and is usually managed by a multidisciplinary team. This team may include specialists such as nutritionists, psychologists, physiotherapists and surgeons. Obesity treatment aims not only to achieve weight loss, but also to improve the overall health and quality of life of the individual.

How long should patients coming to Türkiye for obesity treatment stay in Türkiye?

The length of stay for patients coming to Türkiye for obesity treatment may vary depending on the type of treatment and the general health condition of the patient. Generally, bariatric surgery is a procedure that requires patients to stay in Türkiye for a while. However, the exact length of stay may vary depending on the surgical method used, the patient’s recovery speed and health status.

For example, surgical procedures such as gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy may usually require the patient to stay in hospital for 5 to 7 days. However, this period may vary depending on the complications that may occur after the surgical intervention or the patient’s recovery rate.

Other procedures as part of obesity treatment, like non-surgical interventions such as gastric ballooning or endoscopic Botox injections, may require a hospital stay, usually for up to 3 days.

Upon completion of the treatment, doctors usually recommend that patients are followed up during their stay in Türkiye and evaluate their recovery. Therefore, the follow-up periods determined according to the type of treatment may also affect the duration of patients’ stay in Türkiye.

Patients’ treatment plans and length of stay should be discussed in detail with their doctors. The follow-up and recovery process after surgical intervention is important for the patient’s health and the doctor’s recommendations should be carefully followed.